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The First Step to Overcoming An Overheated Car Engine, Do These 6 Things

The First Step to Overcoming An Overheated Car Engine, Do These 6 Things - Have you ever seen a car stop and from the hood emit smoke? The technical language of the engine is overheating. The language is only, the car engine overheats, the engine temperature is too high far above the optimal temperature of the engine. Yep, this is one of the common engine problems. Usually experienced old years cars, although it does not rule out the possibility of happening also in new cars.

The main problem lies in the cooling system. Radiators, radiator caps, radiator fans, fan belts, water pumps, thermostats, slangs, and liquids in them are sometimes overlooked. If one does not work optimally, overheating is prone to occur. The result can be fatal. In addition to the car breaking down, it is very likely to have to get off the engine. Therefore, it is necessary to get to know this problem.

Starting from the symptoms, causes, and how to overcome them.

No need to panic and fear if this happens to your car. For the first step in overcoming overheating car engines, you can do the following 6 initial steps:

1. Stop on the side of the road and turn off the car engine

When there is an overheating in the car engine, stop immediately and take it to the side of the road or a safe location. The next step is to turn off the car engine. This is done so that your car does not suffer more damage. After that, keep an eye on the temperature needle.

2, Open the hood so that the heat is immediately lost

Do not allow heat to get trapped in the engine room. Find a small lever opening the hood, then lift it. Be careful because sometimes the lever is near the radiator so there is a risk of you being stung by radiator heat.

3. Do not open the radiator cap if the engine is still hot

Never do this. If you open the radiator cap while the car engine is still hot, it can cause steam and high-pressure water to come off can result in serious burns if exposed to the skin.

4, Check the radiator water reserve tube

Every car must have a radiator water reserve connected to the top of the radiator. This will help you to see if the radiator water is lacking or not. In addition, there is also a water level indicator. If there is less water then it can be dangerous for the engine. The first step that can be done, is to add coolant to the position of the upper line. You can fill the water in the tube even if the engine is hot or you can also wait for the condition of the machine to cool. If your car only has a radiator without a spare tube, you'll have to wait for it to cool down before opening it.

5. Look for leaks in the cooling system

If the radiator or cylinder head is damaged, there may be a leak in the cooling system. If you are experienced enough with the car, check the radiator, engine block, or cylinder head near the gasket, for any leaks. Conversely, if you don't understand, you can take the car to the nearest repair shop and ask them to do a pressure test of the cooling system. This check is easy and maybe done for free.

6. Decide, whether to stay on the road or call emergency help

If the radiator only lacks fluid and you can fill it, this does not matter. Fill it up and continue the journey. If the water in the radiator looks exhausted do not run the car. If it can run again, it is better to turn off the air conditioner to reduce the work of the engine. Turn on the heater to reduce engine heat. Run the car stably. If help is easy to get, you can ask for a tow car instead of having to drive it.

What are the Symptoms of Overheating?

The engine temperature is monitored through the indicators in the instrument panel. Usually in the form of instructions analogous to the letters C (Cold) and H (Hot). But the majority of new cars now, no longer use such models. The indicator is only green and red light. Of course, various signs must be monitored while driving to find out if there is a problem. For analog models, the engine marks are hot when the instruction needle has exceeded the middle limit. For light models, the letter H lights up red. When all that is visible, immediately edge the car and turn off the engine.

When the indicator shows a hot engine, there are no suspicious signs while it is running. But if it continues to be forced, some symptoms can arise. The machine that had been working smoothly, the rougher and less powerful. There are even those who get excessive knocking and engine power has dropped dramatically. The air conditioner (AC) is suddenly not cold. Some vehicles implement safety systems to disconnect several components that incriminate the engine.

The more forced, the machine can die and directly break down. The temperature around the engine is certainly very hot and smoke comes out. Do not immediately open the radiator cap and add water until the temperature drops. As a result, it can have a fatal impact on you. The machine can also be badly damaged. Bent head cylinders and cracked cylinder blocks occur most often. Down the machine that costs a lot of money is mandatory.

What Causes Overheating?

Many things cause the engine to overheat. The damage to the components mentioned above is very large to be a trigger. Most commonly, the radiator water runs out. This fluid rotates in circulation. The hot temperature of course makes it evaporate and needs to be checked periodically. If less, add water through the reservoir tank or directly to the radiator. Make sure to use coolant according to factory recommendations.

If it runs out more often, check if there are any leaks. It can be from the radiator itself that is consumed by age or the pipe that becomes the path of the water flow. If the clamps are loose or the hose has been brittle, replace it immediately. The thermostat also plays an important role. Its function is to open the circulation of water when the machine has reached the optimal temperature. If it is damaged and does not work, of course, the water is not able to rotate.

The same is the case with the cooling fan located directly behind the radiator. It is the task to cool down by making airflow between the radiators. The damage can be a dead motor or a broken fan. Fan belt also plays an important role because it connects compressors, air conditioners, alternators, and water pumps with engine rotation. If it breaks, the water pump does not work and stops the water turnover process.

Well, before you travel it is better to check all the components in question. Make sure the radiator water does not quickly decrease and circulate smoothly. Also, check the radiator fan whether it is still functioning normally or not. If your car is old with high flying hours, it is not a loss to replace the various components first. Preventing is better than treating.