Difference between Conventional Car and Electric Car
Difference between Conventional Car and Electric Car - Electric cars are increasingly circulating in the automotive market today. It is no different from conventionally engined cars with internal combustion systems consisting of four wheels, supported by suspension, there are brakes, audio systems, and so on. Moreover, its function is also the same as a vehicle to meet mobilization needs.
Although in principle fairly the same, some differences can be said to be striking in electric cars compared to conventionally engined cars. The main difference is certainly in the components of the drive system and the power source.
Conventional cars rely on an internal combustion engine as a drive system, which is combined with a transmission to turn the wheels. There are hundreds of moving components integrated. The same is also owned in hybrid cars, still using the internal combustion engine as either the main drive system or support. And to stop or reduce speed, brakes have the most role.
While the electric car power source uses batteries. Batteries that are generally lithium-ion type then channel energy directly to the electric motor to drive the wheels. The powertrain system series has an electric car simpler than conventional.
Then about storage and refilling energy sources, conventional cars have tanks to hold fuel oil (BBM). The liquid fuel stored in the tank is then pumped into the engine to produce combustion and power. Conventional car refueling is generally done at gas stations (public refueling stations).
While the battery as a store of electrical energy is generally installed at the base or bottom of the car chassis. Because it does not use fuel, the recharging of the battery can directly utilize the power source available anywhere. Examples such as offices, public electric vehicle charging stations (SPKLU), shopping centers, or even at home. Charging or recharging a normal battery takes a long time, but if you can use the fast charging method, the charging time can be cut many times.
But although conventional and electric cars have significant differences, the two still have a lot in common. Call it an audio or infotainment system, air conditioning, steering system, suspension, and stability support on the chassis applied and owned also in electric cars.
But there is one interesting thing that electric cars have and are absent in conventional cars. Electric cars, including hybrids, have regenerative braking systems that can recycle electrical energy into batteries. When the accelerator pedal is removed, the electric motor can recharge the battery by creating an engine brake-like effect. The speed of this retained car produces energy which is then stored back to the battery so that its energy consumption is more efficient.
And another advantage that can be enjoyed through electric cars is the practical and economical side for periodic maintenance. Because the mechanical components are much simpler, the maintenance process of electric cars is also easier. The most common thing to do in every maintenance is a software update on the electrical system.